Home / Tech / Simpler Dark Mode
Created on Tue, April 11 2017 11:33
Modified on April 11 2017 12:27

I noticed how the bright white colours of the simpler theme made my eyes water and shriek from pain. I decided to write a simple dark version of Simpler which will be included and toggled either via JS script or through a static Pelican Configuration variable. Here is a frontpage sneak-peek:

Simpler Dark

Simpler is now an Adaptive Theme

Simpler Dark is now active. If you visit the site from the 10PM to 5AM the dark theme will display. It's all thanks to this code snippet from css-tricks.

Install and Configure


THEME = "simpler"
SIMPLER_THEME_STYLE = "light" # choose from light, dark, and auto

The Simpler theme supports light and dark schemes. Auto enables dark mode from 10PM to 5AM.

You can see from GeoPeeker that the site loads either light or dark depending on the location's time.


Special Thanks